Feasibility Study Phase
The Role of the Project
Consider outside stakeholders.
Management Plan
Address issues or opportunities influenced by outside factors. Examples include
The Project Management
potential sites and availability, local impacts (e.g., parking, neighboring
Plan is separate from the
properties), additional construction costs, or the ability to phase coordination
Feasibility Study, but they
with nearby developments (e.g., local plans, preservation features). Be inclusive,
should be developed in
broad, and proactive in considering outside issues and local stakeholders.
tandem. When possible,
the Feasibility Study's scope
should be tailored to inform
Recruitment of a strong team of GSA and non-GSA experts to shape the scope
the PMP's requirements.
In the long run, a well-
of work and ensure the project's success
written PMP will conserve
far more effort than it took
to prepare. The Office of
This task typically takes one (1) week.
the Chief Architect (OCA)
can supply guidelines on the
preparation of the PMP.
The Work Plan is a crucial tool to ensure that the Feasibility Study achieves its goals,
stays within budget, and remains on schedule. The team leader is responsible for
mapping out all of the tasks, determining who does what and when, and defining the
deliverables for each step. Once the project begins, the team leader uses the Work
Plan to troubleshoot the process, the deliverables, and the schedule.
The Communications Plan helps to manage the expectations of all involved in the
project; build consensus; support the schedule; and enhance coordination among all
parties. The Communications Specialist team member assists the team leader and
others with these activities.
The Project Management Plan (PMP) and the Work Plan include some of the same
information. At the earliest stages of project development, the Project Management
Plan may function as a preliminary "Work Plan" for the preparation of the Feasibility
Study and the Capital Program submission. Draft PMPs are required with the
Site/Design Prospectus package submission.