Feasibility Study Phase
Identify gaps in knowledge.
Determine the need to commission any special studies (e.g., seismic, progressive
collapse, blast, historic preservation) before beginning the Feasibility Study.
Include these special studies within the scope of work and coordinate with the
project Work Plan and schedule.
Concentrate on understanding key issues, uncertainties, expectations, and basic
project drivers by talking with GSA, the customer, and other stakeholders. Many
of these persons may join the Feasibility Study team later; tap their knowledge
now to help shape the approach and the scope of work.
Adequate understanding of projection conditions
Identification of gaps in background documentation
Key elements for the scope of work
Omaha, NE
Background information to shape the Feasibility Study team composition
GSA collaborated with the
city on a donated site for
a build-to-suit National Park
This task typically takes one (1) week. Factor impacting duration:
Service (NPS) building.
Availability of staff members and documents
This building was planned
as an important early
anchor for Omaha's
1.2 Affirm Feasibility Study Funds and Schedule
waterfront redevelopment,
The Feasibility Study team leader must ensure that adequate resources and time are
and the site was ideal for
available to prepare the Feasibility Study and the Site/Design Prospectus properly. The
NPS's interpretive programs.
team leader and regional management must gauge the customer's own priorities and
GSA convened a commu-
level of support for this work effort and timetable.
nity workshop and
incorporated the city's
Recommended Activities
needs into the competitive
Assess status of the customer's basic needs.
procurement. The customer
has the right site, and
Affirm that the customer supports a design request for the proposed year.
Omaha moves forward on
If not, determine whether regional resources for the upcoming Capital Program
its waterfront project.
submission should be shifted to another project. For new courthouse construction,
be sure to follow the directed Planning Call (based on the AOUSC's 5-Year Plan).
Confirm timely completion.
Ensure that sufficient BA61 (regional operating) funds are set aside to pay for the
Feasibility Study and any supporting studies that are required.