Feasibility Study Phase
A Good Team
Determine how much time is needed to perform the supporting studies,
conduct appropriate preliminary consultations and reviews (including NHPA
Successful projects
require strong teams.
Section 106 and NEPA), and prepare a comprehensive Prospectus package,
Assemble the team as the
as outlined in the annual Planning Call.
project begins. A strong
and inclusive core team
serves the project for
Confirmation of customer's and regional management's support for a successful
several years--through
Feasibility Study
the Planning Call,
project authorization,
and implementation.
This task typically takes one (1) week. Factors impacting duration:
Additional expertise
Level of communication between Regional Office and the customer
from both in-house
Regional Office support of Feasibility Study's preparation
and contract experts,
as well as outside
stakeholders, may supple-
1.3 Assemble GSA and Customer Feasibility Study Team
ment your core team at
GSA expertise is a key resource that benefits every project. Although various experts
different points in the
may be brought in during the review of the Feasibility Study, the entire team should be
project, but the core team
maintains the project's
assembled now. Their subject matter expertise and knowledge of project specifics are
memory and integrity
needed to develop an effective Feasibility Study scope of work.
throughout the process.
Recommended Activities
Use the best talent
Match project issues with GSA expertise.
Identify the Feasibility Study team leader if different from the planned
Project Manager.
Identify the GSA experts who work with the customer and the affected
facilities and include them on the Feasibility Study team. If there is a GSA
Customer Relations Manager for the agency, make sure to use their expertise.
Use the worksheets in Exhibit 4.3 and "Appendix E" to ensure that all
relevant experts are identified and recruited for the team.
Match customer needs with appropriate agency representation.
Review the customer's special needs or concerns as cited in the project's
background information. Include representatives from the customer agency
with the right expertise to help shape and review the Feasibility Study.
Make sure to consider all customer agencies impacted by the project, not just
the largest customers or the lead agency.