Feasibility Study Phase
Ready to Begin?
Confirmation of adequate resources available to conduct the study
At this early stage, the
Feasibility Study team
assesses four key areas:
This task typically takes two (2) weeks.
What they know.
What they need to know
1.1 Assess Basic Needs and Supporting Data
more about.
This step focuses on understanding basic needs and assessing the impact of meeting
Where the project can
those needs with existing assets (e.g., buildings and projects). The Feasibility Study
be located.
team leader uses a number of documents to make this assessment, but this task involves
Who can help them.
more than reviewing documents. The team leader often confers with others who have
more detailed and up-to-date information about the asset, the customer's requirements,
Who Leads the Team?
and local conditions. By gathering and reviewing all information, the team leader gains
Most regions develop
a solid understanding of the project's background, builds an effective Feasibility Study
the Capital Program
team, and tailors the scope of work.
in their regional Office of
Real Property Asset
Recommended Activities
Management. Consequently,
the Asset Business
Review background information and documents.
Manager who leads the
Identify what studies are already on hand. Look for existing studies that address
Asset Business Team
key portions of the relevant needs and affected facilities. For a list of typical
for the affected buildings
supporting studies that can provide background information, see "Appendix B:
is often named the
Input Documents."
Feasibility Study team leader.
Determine the key needs, issues, and asset plans that must be fully investigated.
Assemble all of the information that will be provided to the Feasibility
Study contractor.
Manage customer expectations.
Talk with the customer about the Feasibility Study process and how their needs
could be met. Discover whether they have any assumptions about how to
meet their needs, such as a new building or a particular site. Ensure that some
alternatives are not being ruled out without thorough evaluation.
Discuss where the customer prefers to be located and whether this conforms to
relevant policies and regulations. Develop a plan to reconcile any differences.
Encourage candid discussions and an open-minded approach so the team can
pursue the best project without dashing expectations later.