Step 1: Confirm Readiness
Through the ongoing management of GSA facilities and customer needs, it is an Asset
Step 1
Business Team that usually identifies when major capital projects are warranted
to meet new or changing needs. For all courthouse projects, Feasibility Studies should
be performed in accordance with the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts'
(AOUSC) 5-Year Plan.
Assess basic needs
and supporting data
First, the team leader must determine whether the project is "ripe" to begin a Feasibility
Study. This informal assessment is based on the professional judgments of GSA
staff and is determined by their collective knowledge of customer needs, facility
requirements, and the available resources to satisfy both. It considers customer needs,
Affirm Feasibilbity Study
funds and schedule
asset condition and supply, and the availability of people and resources to conduct
an effective study. Property Managers, Realty Specialists, and Portfolio Managers,
those closest to the customer's needs, are key information sources. Relevant documents
Assemble GSA and customer
include Building Evaluation Reports (BERs), Building Preservation Plans (BPPs),
Feasibility Study team
Asset Business Plans (ABPs), and Local Portfolio Plans (LPPs).
Readiness is confirmed when the team leader determines that the facility requirements
or customer needs can only be met through a Prospectus-level project.
Develop a Work Plan and a
Communications Plan
The Feasibility Study team leader assembles a team, establishes a basic understanding of
the project's drivers, uses this to scope an effective approach, and develops a Work Plan
and a schedule to guide the study through completion.
Recommended Activities
1.1 Assess basic needs and supporting data
Focus on GSA's understanding of customer needs and the availability
of existing resources.
1.2 Affirm Feasibility Study funds and schedule
Ensure availability of funds and the viability of schedule.
1.3 Assemble GSA and customer Feasibility Study team
Gather GSA experts to support the project.
Create a Work Plan that addresses the scope, schedule, approval process,
and budget for the Feasibility Study. Develop a Communications Plan to manage
customer agency, stakeholder, and community expectations; build consensus;
support the schedule; and enhance coordination within the team and with the
customer agency.