Feasibility Study Phase
Reasons to Create the PMP
Recommended Activities
During the Feasibility Study:
Use the Feasibility Study Checklist (see "Appendix C").
The team is more
Refer to the Feasibility Study Checklist for a list of typical contents
engaged and contributes
and tasks. Not every project requires all of the Checklist elements.
more effectively.
However, using the Checklist helps to review the project's requirements
Focus is on the final
and select the appropriate elements for each project.
product at the beginning
Create a Work Plan for conducting the Feasibility Study.
of the process.
Work with the Feasibility Study team to develop a Work Plan and a
Feasibility Study's scope
schedule for key tasks. The schedule should conclude with the completion of
is tailored to support PMP
the Regional Office's Capital Program submission for the project.
Review the project's characteristics. Identify key factors about the project or the
location that impact the Work Plan and identify criteria that impact the scope,
schedule, and budget.
Verify coordination with other studies--either completed or ongoing.
Identify the project's decision-making processes and coordination requirements.
Review the approval processes for GSA, the customer agency, local government,
and others. Determine typical time frames and milestones and add this
information to the schedule.
Begin a Project Management Plan.
Create a PMP that reflects the Work Plan for the Feasibility Study.
Use the PMP to guide the Feasibility Study process. Don't limit the plan to the
submission for the Capital Program. The PMP gains detail over time, but it
should be drafted early in the process and updated throughout the Feasibility
Study process.
Ensure that the PMP incorporates all elements of the PBS Pricing Policy, with
particular emphasis on establishing separate budgets for the shell, each tenant's
TI, and GSA-provided security.
the project.
Create a Communications Plan.
Understand the context of the project and the community by reviewing
made with federal, state, and local agencies during the Pre-Planning phase.