In Figure 4.1.8 (Quirouette), the curtain wall is connected to the parapet with an insulated air
barrier, in this case a flexible membrane. This membrane runs from the shoulder of the top mullion
and is sealed to the base flashing at the top of the parapet. The air barrier is kept warm by
insulation under the metal coping and within the wooden parapet. The air barrier material and its
means of attachement must be strong enough to carry the strong air pressures that exist at
parapets from the wind and stack effect.
Figure 4.1.8 Curtain Wall Parapet (Quirouette)
Figure 4.1.9 shows another version of the intersection of a vertical curtain wall and roof at a parapet
(Brand). A flexible membrane air barrier runs from the top mullion and over the parapet. It is
insulated with glass fiber insulation under a metal cap that serves as a rainscreen. An insulated
wooden parapet assembly keeps the air barrier warm.
Figure 4.1.9 Curtain Wall Parapet (Brand)
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