post-construct ion st age
Systems, assemblies, equipment and components will tend to shift from their
as-installed conditions over time. In addition, the needs and demands of facility
users typically change as a facility is used. The Post-Construction Stage allows
for the continued adjustment, optimization and modification of building systems
to meet specified requirements.
Perform Deferred &
Seasonal Testing
The objective of the Post-Construction Stage is to maintain building perfor-
Reinspect/Review Performance
mance throughout the useful life of the facility. The active involvement of the
before End of Warranty Period
Commissioning Agent and the Commissioning Team during initial facility opera-
Complete Final Commissioning
tions is an integral aspect of the commissioning process.
Final Satisfaction Review with
Customer Agency
Commissioning activities during Post-Construction include issues resolution,
seasonal testing, delivery of the Final Commissioning Report, performing a
post-occupancy review with the Customer Agency and developing a plan for
Recommission Facility Every
recommissioning the facility throughout its life cycle.
3-5 Years
Perform Deferred & Seasonal Testing
System Performance
Due to weather conditions, not all systems can be tested at or near full load
during the Construction Phase. For instance, testing of a boiler system might
be difficult in the summer and testing of a chiller and cooling tower might be
difficult in the winter. For these reasons commissioning plans shall include off-
season testing to allow for testing of certain equipment under the best possible
CxTeam Support
CxA Lead
CxTeam Support
In addition to seasonal testing, several systems may have been deferred during
Customer Agency
the initial testing for a number of reasons including prerequisite activities
Final Phase
not complete, phased occupancy issues and improper testing conditions.
The commissioning team must use the Issues Log as a guide during Post-
Construction Stage to complete all deferred testing.
building commissioning