that operating personnel understand the interrelationships of equipment, systems
Owner Training
An important step in the
and assemblies. The CxA also reviews agendas and material developed by the
contractors in advance of the trainings for quality, completeness and accuracy.
that GSA Operating Personnel are
properly trained in the required
The CxA shall also attend a number of the key training sessions to evaluate
care, adjustment, maintenance
effectiveness and suggest improvements in the delivery of the material.
and operations of the new facility
equipment and systems. It is critical
that operations and maintenance
Training Timing & Requirements
personnel have the knowledge
and skills required to operate the
facility to meet the Owner's Project
The majority of training shall be done during the construction phase prior to
substantial completion. Some systems and assemblies may require ongoing training
during occupancy and post-construction. The exact systems, subsystems, equipment
and assemblies that require training as well as the required number of hours of
training are spelled out in the project specifications. The CM utilizes attendee sign-in
sheets to verify that the training was delivered to the intended staff.
The instruction shall be given during regular work hours (for all shifts) on such
dates and times that are selected by the GSA Project Manager. The instruction
may be divided into two or more periods at the discretion of the GSA PM.
It is highly recommended that all trainings be videotaped. Videotaping trainings
allows for future reference of the material and training of new employees down
the road. The team may also wish to consider DVDs in lieu of videotapes for
reasons of longevity and convenience. The Contractor shall be required to provide
the GSA PM with an edited draft version of the taped training sessions (generally
within seven days), which include all aspects of the operation, inspection, testing
and maintenance of the systems. The CxA, GSA Operating Personnel and GSA
Technical Experts will review the videotape and provide the Contractor with
comments. The Contractor will then resubmit an edited final version of the tape
(generally within seven days of receipt of comments).
Instructor Qualifications
The instructor shall have received specific training from the manufacturer
regarding the inspection, testing and maintenance of the system provided. The