Construction Manager, Construction Contractor, and in some cases, State and
local government officials to maximize the benefits and tailor the checklists to the
way the CM and Construction Contractor will manage the project. Generally the
checklists are developed as follows:
CxA identifies components and systems for which checklists are required
CxA reviews Owner's Project Requirements for key success criteria
CxA reviews specifications and submittals for key requirements
Review Submittals for
Performance Parameters
CxA develops sample checklists for GSA PM and CM review
Develop & Utilize Construction
CxA incorporates feedback and finalizes checklists for distribution
Oversee & Document Func-
Once the checklists have been developed and provided to the Construction
tional Performance Testing
Contractor, the CxA will review the completion of the checklists periodically
Hold Cx Team Meetings and
during site visits.
Report Progress
Conduct Owner Training
GSA PMs are encouraged to reference the Construction Industry Institute's
Planning for Start-up Education Module (edited for GSA) for more detail on start-
up processes and checklists.
Oversee & Document Functional Performance Testing
System Performance
Documented & Accepted
Functional performance testing takes over where the construction checklists
ended. The intent of functionally testing the system/building as a whole is to
evaluate the ability of the components in a system to work together to achieve
the Owner's Project Requirements. For functional testing to provide valid results,
CxTeam Support
first the individual components and systems have to be verified to be operating
CxA Lead
properly (see Develop & Utilize Construction Checklists). This includes Start-up
CxTeam Support
and Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (TAB).
Customer Agency
The GSA PM must coordinate start-up and installation activities with the GSA
Final Phase
Fire Protection Engineer's role in occupancy permitting to include testing for
compliance with life safety and code requirements.