Test Data Records
Test data records capture outcomes of functional performance testing including
test data, observations and measurements. Data may be recorded using photo-
graphs, forms or other means appropriate for the specific test. Test data records
shall include, but not limited to, the following information:
Test reference (number, specific identifier, etc.)
Date and time of test
First test or retest following correction of an issue
Identification of the systems, equipment and/or assemblies under test including
location and construction document designation
Conditions under which the test was conducted (i.e. ambient conditions, capacity/
occupancy, etc.). Tests shall be performed under steady-state and stable condi-
Expected performance
Observed performance including indication of whether or not this performance is
Issues generated as a result of the test
Fire Protection Engineering & Life
Dated signatures of those performing and witnessing the test
Test Issues & Follow-up
within the P-100, no new building or
portion thereof shall be occupied
until the GSA regional fire
The functional performance tests are the heart of the commissioning process
protection engineer has issued a
and they are also the most difficult and time consuming. System troubleshooting
certificate of occupancy to the GSA
Project Manager. The certificate
is a critical function of the CxA. As inspecting and testing proceed, despite the
of occupancy will only be issued
team's best efforts, the CxA will find a number of items that do not appear to
to the GSA Project Manager after
the GSA regional fire protection
work as intended. There will be a certain amount of system retesting that will be
engineer has ensured that all fire
performed by the CxA because of system deficiencies during the initial testing.
protection and life safety systems
have been completed, inspected,
In order to assure success, the GSA PM shall allow some time in the schedule
successfully tested and approved
and all outstanding fire and life
and money in the budget for retesting. The GSA PM shall be apprised that issues
safety deficiencies corrected to
resolution and associated financial implications are a common point of contention
afford a reasonable degree of safety
to the building occupants from fire
between parties.
and similar emergencies.