Requirements for deferred and seasonal testing must be clearly defined in the
contract documents as it will require some contractor personnel to return to the
site after the project is completed. It is also necessary to withhold money for
this activity in addition to the traditionally withheld warranty items.
Reinspect/Review Performance before End of Warranty Period
Perform Deferred & Seasonal
During the first year of the building's operation it is important to assure that the
performance of the facility is maintained, particularly before the warranty period
Performance before End of
expires. At 10 months in to a 12 month warranty period, operation of system
Warranty Period
and components is critically reviewed by CxA, Owner and CM to identify any
Complete Final
items that must be repaired or replaced under warranty. This review is based on
Commissioning Report
warranty items and continued performance with Owner's Project Requirements.
Final Satisfaction Review with
Discrepancies between predicted performance and actual performance and/or
Customer Agency
an analysis of any complaints received may indicate a need for minor system
modifications. The CxA documents the results and forwards recommendations
Recommission Facility Every
to Owner and CM for resolution.
3-5 Years
The GSA PM shall be cognizant of the impacts of a phased occupancy, if appli-
cable, on the warranty period and make necessary adjustments for review and
System Performance
Proper maintenance programs, training and familiarization of the systems by the
new operating staff are important to support Post-Construction commissioning.
For example, a standard method of recording and responding to complaints must
CxTeam Support
be in place and used consistently. As equipment and controls are replaced
CxA Lead
throughout the maintenance program, calibration and performance must be
CxTeam Support
checked, documents revised and any changes or new equipment data sheets
Customer Agency
included in the operations & maintenance manuals.
Final Phase
Ongoing training includes refresher training of existing personnel, training of new
personnel and training of all personnel on newly installed equipment or revised
operating procedures.