Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
Summary of First Cost Impacts
In the high-cost Courthouse cases, it is assumed
that the gypsum wallboard manufacturing plant is
beyond 500 miles from the project site (a possible
scenario if synthetic gypsum is targeted for high
Courthouse (New Construction, 262,000 GSF)
recycled content). The gypsum wallboard therefore
Low Cost
does not qualify for the credit. It is further
assumed that a premium is paid to purchase the
No identified cost premiums.
project's precast concrete wall panels from a
manufacturer located within 500 miles. The cost
High Cost
premium is based on the assumption that the local
manufacturer is not necessarily the lowest bidder
Total Credit Cost...................................... 5,903
for the project.
Cost Impact ($/GSF) ..........................
Office Building
Cost Impact (%) ............................................ 0.20%
In the Office Building model, different calculations
are used for the "minimal faade renovation" and
"full faade renovation" scenarios. In the minimum
Minimal Faade Renovation
faade renovation, which is almost exclusively
interior construction, only a few of the materials
Total Credit Cost........................................ ,277
are assumed to come from regional manufacturers:
Cost Impact ($/GSF) ..........................
gypsum wallboard, architectural metals, fiberglass
Cost Impact (%) ............................................ 0.21%
batt insulation, casework, and interior float glass.
To reach the 20 percent credit threshold, a
Full Faade Renovation
premium is defined to purchase the following
additional materials from regional manufacturers:
Total Credit Cost...................................... 5,307
Cost Impact ($/GSF) ..........................
Acoustical ceiling tiles
Cost Impact (%) ............................................ 0.36%
Porcelain tile and base
Steel studs for interior partitions
The cost premiums are based on the assumption
Additional Considerations
that the local manufacturer is not necessarily the
lowest bidder for the project.
For competitive bidding purposes, designers must
avoid selecting regional materials that are available
In the full faade renovation scenarios, a premium
from only one manufacturer. The credit scenarios
is defined to purchase the new exterior precast
used in the study assume that multiple
concrete panels from a regional manufacturer
manufacturers can bid on a job, but that the owner
rather than paying a premium for the three material
reserves the right to select a local manufacturer if
types defined in the minimum faade scenarios.
their cost is competitive.
The cost premiums, again, are based on the
assumption that the local precast manufacturer is
Synergistic Credits
not necessarily the lowest bidder for the project.
Some materials that are manufactured regionally
also obtain their raw materials from the same
region, which contributes to Credit MR-5.2
(Regional Materials, 50 percent extracted
regionally). For the purposes of the study, it is
assumed that the precast concrete panels and
acoustical ceiling tiles for which cost premiums are
paid (for regional manufacture) also obtain their
raw materials within the same region. The cost
premiums therefore contribute to 2 LEED credits.