maintenance and equipment reliability. Making changes in the Design Stage,
rather than after installation begins, saves money.
Through the design process, a key role for the Commissioning Agent is to facilitate
a clear understanding of expectations by the design team. To do this, the practice
of conducting program review workshops is to be used to offer all stakeholders
the opportunity to indicate what they want to see in the next design submission.
The Project Planning Tools' Commissioning Tool identifies such practices in the
Incorporate Commissioning into
A/E & CM Scope of Services
work breakdown structure associated with defining roles and responsibilities.
Retain Commissioning Agent
Concept, DD and CD Design Reviews
Review Owner's Project Re-
quirements & Basis of Design
The Commissioning Agent provides three focused reviews of the design
Concept, DD and CD
documents. It is recommended that these reviews occur first at the end of Design
Design Reviews
Concepts, the second shall occur during Design Development (50%) and the third
Update/Refine Commissioning
toward the end of Construction Documents Phase (95%) (see P-100 for definition
of Concept, DD and CD design phases).
Develop Commissioning
The CxA compares the design with the interests and needs of GSA as identified
in the Owner's Project Requirements. The CxA also compares the proposed
Contact Documents Aligned
design against GSA design standards as defined in the latest version of the PBS
with Owner's Project
P-100 Facilities Standards. The CxA identifies any improvements that can be made
in areas such as energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, operations &
maintenance, etc. Though the CxA is responsible for reviewing the design from a
CxTeam Support
criteria or compliance with local, State and Federal Codes (unless it is specifically
CxA Lead
called out in their contract).
CxTeam Support
Customer Agency
Final Phase
building commissioning