indicated. Additional information may be required
Progressive collapse.
by the local building official.
Supports for nonstructural elements, including
Soil bearing pressure and lateral earth pressure
mechanical and electrical equipment.
must be indicated.
Steel connections
Properties of basic materials must be indicated.
Blast analysis.
Blast-resistant requirements if applicable.
Whenever a figure is obtained from some other page of
Indicate the codes and standards used to develop
the calculations, refer to that page number in parenthesis
the project.
next to the figure used in the calculation.
3. Schedules.
Provide sketches showing framing plans with dimensions
Schedules for foundations, columns, walls, beams,
and grid lines, Free-body/force diagram in support of the
slabs, and decks, as applicable.
calculations. Refer to drawing numbers where the
4. Structural details. (All typical details must be shown
calculated items are shown on the drawing: for example,
on the drawings.)
structural sizes, connection details etc.
Include details for steel connections.
Include details for all fire-rated assemblies,
Narrative/description must be submitted explaining the
indicating Underwriters Laboratories Inc. or other
computer program used to perform the calculation.
nationally recognized testing laboratory fire
Include details indicating if the assembly is
restrained or unrestrained in accordance with
Appendix X to ASTM E119 (the classification
must be determined by a licensed structural
1. The construction documents must be complete,
coordinated between disciplines, biddable, readable
Include details for anchorage of building system
and buildable, with no room for unreasonable
equipment and nonstructural building elements
additional interpretation.
(maybe shown on mechanical, electrical, or
2. The drawings listed below represent requirements for
architectural drawings, as applicable).
GSA's review, and do not constitute any limitation on
Calculations. For any computer generated results, submit
the documentation required to properly contract for
a model of the input data and all pertinent program
the construction of the project, or limit the
material required to understand the output. A narrative of
professional design liability for errors and omissions.
the input and results should be contained in the
3. One of the guidelines to insure inter-discipline and
calculations as well.
intra-discipline coordination is included under each
1. Final structural calculations, including:
category of work and is referred to as the Review
Gravity loads.
Lateral loads.
4. The A/E consultant should make sure that all of
these items, and others that pertain to good project
Thermal loads where significant.
coordination, are reviewed and addressed before
Vibration propagation.
submission of the documents to GSA.
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100