Calculations. For any fire modeling generated results,
6. Circuit layout of lighting control system.
submit a copy of the input data and all pertinent program
7. Details of underfloor distribution system.
material and assumptions required to understand the
8. Site plan.
output and the analysis. A narrative of the input and
Indicate service locations, manholes, ductbanks
results shall be part of the calculations.
and site lighting.
9. Layout of electrical equipment spaces.
1. Final occupant load and egress calculations.
Show all electrical equipment. Include elevations
2. Final fire protection water supply calculations.
Includes water supply flow testing data.
3. Final fire pump calculations where applicable.
10. Schedules for switchgear, switchboards, motor
4. Final smoke control calculations where applicable
(e.g., atrium, etc.).
11. Grounding diagram.
12. Complete phasing plan (if required) for additions
6. Fire modeling.
and alterations.
7. Final calculations contained in The SFPE Handbook
13. Security systems site plan.
of Fire Protection Engineering for calculating sound
Final locations of all security devices and conduit
and location of fire alarm system audible notification
14. Security system floor plans.
Layout of all security systems.
15. Storage areas for electrical equipment/spare parts.
Drawings. General: Systems must be fully drawn and
1. Final specification.
sized to permit accurate bidding and construction.
Zone schedules may be bound into the specifica-
1. Demolition plans.
tions or shown on drawings.
2. Floor plans.
Show lighting, power distribution and
2. Short circuit calculations.
locations of fire alarm and annunciator panels.
3. Voltage drop calculations.
3. Single-line diagram of primary and secondary power
4. Overcurrent coordination study.
Include normal power, emergency power and UPS.
Include starter loads.
4. Single-line diagram of fire alarm system.
5. Single-line diagram of telecommunications system.
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100