2. Piping riser diagrams.
System pressure static analysis at peak and
minimum block loads (for VAV systems).
Acoustical calculations (for VAV systems, use
3. Floor plans.
peak air flow).
Plumbing layout and fixtures; large-scale plans
Calculations for duct losses.
should be used where required for clarity.
Calculations for piping losses.
4. Riser diagrams for waste and vent lines.
Flow and head calculations for pumping systems.
5. Riser diagrams for domestic cold and hot water lines.
Selection of equipment, cut sheets of selected
6. Plumbing fixture schedule.
Psychometric calculations for full load and partial
load utilization in summer, winter, spring, and fall.
A written narrative describing the final mechanical system
(Partial loads at 50% and 25%, and unoccupied
and equipment selection including:
Updated narrative submitted during design
Detailed energy analysis using DOE-2, or
approved equal. Output shall indicate energy
Updated ductwork and piping loss calculations.
consumption of the system and total building
Updated equipment selections with capacities,
energy summary.
weights, sizes and power requirements
Fuel consumption estimates.
Updated psychometrics.
Comparative analyses to recommended system
Updated design conditions.
defined in concept submissions.
Updated Ventilation rates, updated
Additional analyses as required to optimize
equipment selections, heat recovery/storage, and
Updated description of the airside and waterside
control/zoning options.
systems and the associated components, including
Sizing of fuel storage and distribution and
operating characteristics, ranges, and capacities,
vibration isolation.
spaces served and special features.
Updated description of occupied, partial
occupancy, and unoccupied related sequence of
1. Plumbing calculations.
Include entire building, including roof drainage
Updated fuel and utility requirements.
calculations and hot water heating calculations.
An ASHRAE 90.1 compliance statement.
Water supply calculations, including pressure.
A code compliance statement.
An updated description of any deviation from
Sanitary waste sizing calculations.
Calculations and Energy Analysis.
Completely edited version of each specification
section to be used on the project.
System load and supply air calculations (for
VAV systems).
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100