Construction Documents
Certification Requirements
The construction documents must be complete,
1. The architect/engineer (lead designer) must provide
coordinated between disciplines, biddable, readable and
certification that the project has been designed
buildable, with no room for unreasonable additional
and is in compliance with ASHRAE 90.1 and will
interpretation. The drawings listed below represent
meet GSA energy goal requirements.
requirements for GSA's review, and do not constitute any
2. Assemble material for LEED rating submission,
limitation on the documentation required to properly
indicating features and points that assure desired
contract for the construction of the project, or limit the
LEED rating.
professional design liability for errors and omissions.
3. VE decisions and commitments that were made
One of the guidelines to insure inter-discipline and intra-
during the Design Development phase by the
discipline coordination is included under each category of
Project Team.
work and is referred to as the Review Checklist. The A/E
4. In bullet form, identify how selected design features
consultant should make sure that all of these items, and
will support the project's performance expectations.
others that pertain to good project coordination, are
All building systems involved with the project
reviewed and addressed before submission of the
shall be discussed, each addressing all performance
documents to GSA.
expectations as covered in the design program
and Appendix A.2.
Update of Code Analysis. The Code criteria shall be
reviewed by each design team discipline member to the
degree of detail necessary to assure that tasks
accomplished meet all the Code requirements.
Site Planning and Landscape Design
Drawings. General: The plans listed below, except the
demolition plans, may be combined on small projects.
1. Demolition plans, if required.
2. Site layout plan.
Location of all buildings, roads, walks, accessible
routes from parking and public street to building
entrance, parking and other paved areas, and
planted areas.
Limits of construction.
Locations and sizes of fire protection water supply
lines, fire hydrants, fire apparatus access roads, and
fire lanes.
Location of floodplains and wetlands.
322 F A C I L I T I E S S T A N D A R D S
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100