Existing original materials and design, alterations.
New findings from testing or analysis in concept
Calculations. For any computer-generated results, submit
a program user's manual, a model of the input data and
3. Preservation solutions explored, how resolved and
all pertinent program material required to understand the
why, including:
output. A narrative of the input and results for computer-
Location of new work: visual impact, protection
generated calculations for the recommended structural
concept should be contained in the calculations as well.
Design of new work/installation: visual and
1. Gravity load and lateral load calculations, with
physical compatibility with existing original
tabulated results showing framing schedules.
materials and design; materials/finishes chosen
2. Foundation calculations.
Methods of supporting new work/installation
Preservation and protection of historic materials
3. Calculations showing that the system is not
during construction through tenant move in
vulnerable to progressive collapse.
4. Effects, describing:
4. Vibration calculations.
How project will affect the building's
5. Blast calculations.
architecturally significant qualities
Measures proposed to mitigate any adverse effects
on historic materials or design
1. Code criteria should be reviewed by each discipline
to the degree of detail necessary to assure that tasks
accomplished in this phase meet the code
General and detail views showing existing
conditions at affected preservation zones, keyed to
2. Comparative cost analysis of at least three potential
plan showing location and orientation of each
photo view
The analysis should compare first costs based on
Captions identifying location, subject, condition
the design of a typical cross section of the
building, one interior column bay in width,
including a comparison of lateral load-resisting
Reduced to 8.5" x 11, 11" x 17" foldout or placed in cover
elements. Nonstructural building systems that
have a bearing on the overall cost of the systems
Site and floor plans, as applicable
must be included. For example, in a comparison
Elevations, plans, and section details showing
between steel and concrete systems, the cost of
preservation design solutions for each issue
fireproofing the steel structure must be
identified, as approved by Regional Preservation
considered, if fireproofing is required by code.
The analysis should include a brief narrative
listing factors that may have a bearing on the final
selection, such as the availability of local labor
Building name, Address, Project title, Project Control
skilled in the erection systems, speed of
Number, Author (Preservation Architect), Preservation
construction and other concerns.
Architect's Signature, Date of Submission.
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100