4. Review of project for code compliance.
curtainwall attachment methods to accommodate
Code criteria should be reviewed by each
these lateral movements.
discipline to the degree of detail necessary to
Describe water migration, and fire safety systems.
assure that tasks accomplished in this phase meet
the code requirements.
5. For major alterations, provide a determination
assemblies such as glass curtain wall to precast or
whether an accessible floor is needed.
stone panels.
6. Building maintenance, explaining:
Identification of at least three suppliers that can
How unique and tall architectural spaces such as
provide proposed exterior wall system.
atriums or grand staircases will be cleaned, have
Address any requirement for blast resistance in the
their light fixtures maintained, have interior and
context of "Windgard" simulations and/or blast
exterior glass surfaces cleaned and typical
testing results, as provided by the Office of the
maintenance performed.
Chief Architect.
How courtrooms, dining facilities and other
11. Building Keying and Signage Report.
assembly spaces with fixed seating, multi-level
Report must fully define the keying hierarchy for
spaces or with sloped floors will have their
the entire building incorporating various levels of
ceilings, lights and other ceiling elements
access, security, and fire egress. A/E should coor-
maintained and repaired.
dinate with GSA Fire Safety Engineer for keying.
Proposed scheme for window washing equipment.
Signage system and room numbering system must
Consideration and prevention of bird nesting on
be integrated with keying system.
exterior surfaces.
How major mechanical and electrical equipment
12. Provide two Finish Boards for both public and
can be serviced and/or replaced in future years.
tenant interior areas and two Finish Boards of
exterior finishes composed of actual material
7. Review of building for compliance with project
samples and color coded plans, sections and
specific criteria as noted in Chapter 8, Security
elevations of major space showing their use.
8. Description of process for servicing and replacement
of equipment given the necessary dimension
1. Building floor plans, showing:
Spaces individually delineated and labeled.
Enlarged layouts of special spaces.
9. Program Status and Reconciliation Report.
Report verifying the current design's compliance
Planning module.
with the approved space program. Any deviations
must be clearly reported.
2. Building reflected ceiling plans, showing:
Enlarged layouts of special spaces.
10. Curtainwall Report.
Spaces individually delineated.
In projects with complex curtainwall systems,
Materials labeled.
describe size and locations of major movement
Ceiling heights labeled.
joints to accommodate structural drift due to
Lighting fixture types indicated and scheduled.
seismic and/or wind loading. Describe proposed
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100