4. Building sections (as necessary), showing:
2. Description of final concept, explaining:
Adequate space for structural, mechanical
Expansion potential.
and electrical, telecommunications and fire
Building floor efficiency.
protection systems.
Conveying systems design (elevators, escalators).
Mechanical penthouses.
Design strategy to attain the assigned energy goal.
Floor-to-floor and other critical dimensions.
Treatment of historic zones, if applicable.
Labeling of most important spaces.
Operations and maintenance goals (exterior and
Labeling of floor and roof elevations.
interior window washing, relamping, etc.).
Sustainable design concepts (LEED strategy).
5. Color rendering. [Minimum size must be 600 mm by
900 mm (24 inches by 36 inches).]
3. Vertical transportation analysis (elevators and
1. Four 200 mm by 250 mm (8-inch by 10-inch) color
4. Code analysis.
photographs, mounted, identified and framed, and
The Code criteria shall be reviewed by each design
two color slides, of the rendering or model image
team discipline member to the degree of detail
(showing at least 2 vantage points). In addition,
necessary to assure that tasks accomplished in this
provide for all building elevations (at least 1 vantage
phase meet all the Code requirements.
point per each elevation).
A Code/Criteria analysis shall be prepared by each
Two of the photographs and the two slides are to
design team discipline member that documents an
be sent to the GSA project manager.
investigation of the applicable codes and agency
Provide two additional 600 mm by 900 mm
criteria that will govern the design of a specific
(24-inch by 36-inch) photographs of the render-
project. This analysis should alert the Government
ing for the GSA project manager. (For courthouse
to any conflicts in the project's design criteria so
projects only.)
that they can be resolved early. The analysis should
and review of the project. This analysis is probably
1. Provide a model of the final concept with sufficient
detail to convey the architectural intent of the design.
repair/alteration projects.
5. Construction cost.
1. Architectural program requirements.
Verify that the final concept can be constructed
Show in tabular form how the final concept meets
within the project budget.
the program requirements for each critical
6. Identify architectural systems alternatives which will
be analyzed during design development for life cycle
A revised description of any deviation from
cost analysis.
310 F A C I L I T I E S S T A N D A R D S
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100