Design Development
1. Description of at least two potential electrical
systems and a baseline system.
Site Planning and Landscape Design
General characteristics of a baseline system are
described in Chapter 1, General Requirements of
this document.
1. Site storm drainage combined with building storm
drainage, and sanitary sewer calculations.
2. Proposed special features of electrical system.
2. Storm water detention calculations, if applicable.
3. Code compliance statement.
3. Parking calculations, if applicable.
Certification Requirements
4. Dewatering calculations
Calculations modeling dewatering rates during
1. The architect/engineer (lead designer) must certify
dry and wet season excavation. Calculations must
that the project has been conceptualized to comply
take into account effect of dewatering on adjacent
with ASHRAE 90.1 and will meet GSA's energy goal
structures and improvements.
Calculations must assume a specific shoring
2. Green building (sustainable) design concepts--
system as part of a comprehensive excavation
LEED strategy.
3. Life cycle cost analysis.
VE decisions and commitments that were made
1. Site circulation concept, explaining:
during this phase by the Project Team.
Reasons for site circulation design and number of
4. In bullet form, identify how proposed design features
site entrances.
will support performance expectations of the project.
Reasons and/or calculations for number of
Expectations are identified in the project's design
parking spaces provided.
program and within the Functional Objectives
Reasoning for design of service area(s), including
Matrix in Appendix A.2.
description of number and sizes of trucks that can
be accommodated.
Final Concept Cost Estimate
Proposed scheme for waste removal.
Proposed scheme for fire apparatus access and
A cost estimate must be provided. It should comply
fire lanes.
with the requirements for concept stage estimate stated in
2. Site utilities distribution concept.
the Cost Estimating Requirements of the Appendix's
Brief description of fire protection water supplies.
Section A.1 of this Facilities Standard.
Brief description of fire hydrant locations.
Cost estimates must separate costs for interior tenant
3. Drainage design concept.
buildout from core/shell cost items as described in the
4. Landscape design concept, explaining:
GSA New Pricing Guide. The interior buildout cost must
Reasoning for landscape design, paving, site
be divided by each building tenant.
furnishings, and any water features.
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100