3. Building roof plan, showing:
7. Proposed room finish schedule, showing:
Drainage design, including minimum roof slope.
Floors, bases, walls and ceilings.
(Finish schedule may be bound into narrative.)
Membrane and insulation configuration of the
8. Perspective sketches, renderings and/or presentation
roofing system.
model, if included in the project scope.
3. Elevations, showing:
9. Proposed site furniture, showing:
Entrances, window arrangements, doors.
Site furniture cut sheets or photos
Exterior materials with major vertical and
Proposed locations.
horizontal joints.
10. Diagrams illustrating the ability to access, service
Roof levels.
and replace mechanical/electrical equipment
Raised flooring and suspended ceiling space.
showing the pathway with necessary clearance.
11. Location of accessible pathways and services for the
4. Interior Elevations, showing:
physically disabled.
Lobby, atrium.
12. Placement of Art-in-Architecture elements.
Public corridors.
13. Design of typical building signage including
Jury Assembly room.
wayfinding and room identification, building
Grand Jury.
directory, exterior building signage and major
interior building identification.
Typical public elevator lobby.
Typical courtroom elevations.
1. Two sets each of 35 mm slides and 200 mm by 250
Typical tenant corridors.
mm (8 inch by 10 inch) photographs for: rendering or
Typical conference rooms.
model image (if changed from concept submission);
5. One longitudinal and one transverse section,
and elevation views for all exposures (if changed from
concept submission).
Floor-to-floor dimensions.
Historic Preservation
Typical ceiling heights.
General roof construction.
8.5" x 11" report, signed by qualified preservation
architect, including
6. Exterior wall sections, showing:
Materials of exterior wall construction, including
flashing, connections, method of anchoring,
1. General: Project purpose, scope, groups and
insulation, vapor retarders, and glazing
individuals involved, substantive changes to
approach described in concept submission
Vertical arrangement of interior space, including
2. Existing conditions, describing:
accommodation of mechanical and electrical
Overall building size, configuration, character
services in the floor and ceiling zones.
Project location
316 F A C I L I T I E S S T A N D A R D S
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100