5. Single line diagram of the building power
Methods proposed for energy conservation and
distribution system.
6. Plan of typical office lighting layout.
5. Engineering analysis for demand limit controls.
7. Single line diagram of other signal system including:
6. Description of each proposed signal system.
telephones; security; public address; and others.
7. Description of proposed security systems' features
8. Security system site plan.
and intended mode of operation.
Proposed locations for CCTV, duress alarm
Proposed zone schedule.
sensors, and access controls for parking lots. If the
Proposed card access controls, CCTV assessment
system is not extensive, these locations may be
and intrusion protection system, if applicable.
shown on the electrical site plan.
8. Proposed Telecommunications Infrastructure.
9. Security system floor plans.
Systems proposed for infrastructure and cabling to
Proposed locations for access controls, intrusion
accommodate the communications systems. These
detection devices, CCTV and local panels.
must be designed and provided in compliance
with EIA/TIA Building Telecommunications
Design Development Cost Estimate
Wiring Standards.
A cost estimate must be provided. It should comply with
9. Code criteria should be reviewed by each discipline
the requirements for design development phase estimate
to the degree of detail necessary to assure that tasks
stated in the Cost Estimating Requirements of the
accomplished in this phase meet the code
Appendix's Section A.1 of this Facilities Standard.
Cost estimate must separate costs for interior tenant
buildout from core/shell cost items as described in the
1. Site plan.
GSA New Pricing Guide. The interior buildout costs must
Proposed site distribution for power and commu-
be divided by each building tenant.
nications, proposed service entrance and location
Address what value engineering items were incorporated
from the Concept Value Engineering Workshops.
2. Floor plans.
(Document all VE Workshop sessions during design
Proposed major electrical distribution scheme and
development and show what is to be incorporated into
locations of electrical closets.
the final design.)
3. Floor plans.
Specifications. Assemble all project related construction
guide specifications and mark out all content that does
not apply to the project.
4. Floor plans.
Plan layouts of electrical rooms, showing locations
of major equipment, including size variations by
different manufacturers.
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100