Site Analysis and Preliminary Concepts
Construction Documents
A set of detailed and coordinated submissions that
Requirements. The preliminary concepts submittal
become the basis of a construction contract. The notes on
consists of three or more distinctly different architectural
these should result in a single interpretation of a specific
design schemes presented in sketch format (single line,
set of data or facts and, therefore, become the basis of a
drawn freehand to scale), along with massing models, site
competitive price proposal. Construction documents
slides and photographs, and sufficient narrative to allow
should avoid using terms that the design specialist may
comparison and selection of a design direction for
know, but which have nothing to do with the purchase
preparation of a final design concept.
and installation of a product. Individual GSA regions may
Site Survey. If a survey is part of the scope of work for
request a single or multiple submissions (i.e. 75 percent,
the project, see Appendix A.5 for requirements.
100 percent) as appropriate. Reviews may be both formal
and informal ("onboard"). Language between speci-
Sketches. It may be recognized that the information
fications and notes on the drawings must be consistent
requested in subparagraphs 1 and 2 may be in progress
and complementary.
and not yet complete.
1. Site location plan [at least 2 kilometers (1.25 miles)
Design Awards
around site], showing:
Site relative to location of city center, major
Every two years GSA recognizes outstanding projects
landmarks, major parking facilities, major roads
through its biennial Design Awards program. Designers
and airport.
are required to submit each new construction project
Location of subway stations and other mass transit
for consideration.
2. Existing site plan (at least one block around site),
buildings, setbacks and easements.
Climatic conditions including path of sun.
Location of on-site and off-site utilities.
Natural landscape.
Pedestrian and vehicular circulation. (Include
direction of traffic on adjoining streets.)
3. Site plans for each design scheme, showing:
Building location and massing.
Building expansion potential.
Parking and service areas.
New Construction and Modernizations Site Analysis and Preliminary Concepts
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100