A.4 Alteration Projects
Design Development. A set of submissions and meetings
that will finalize the selection of type, size and other
material characteristics of all systems. Systems are not
only structural, mechanical, fire protection and electrical,
The design process and related submission requirements
but all other building components such as envelope
for alterations are somewhat different than those for new
(wall, window and roof), interior (flooring, ceiling and
partitions), toilet and service rooms, elevators, etc. The
as a limited construction project for an existing building
submission will consist of a combination of drawings,
that comprises the modification or replacement of one or
narrative and calculations.
a number of existing building systems or components.
Construction Documents. A set of detailed and
The following flow diagram and related definitions
coordinated submissions that become the basis of a con-
describe this process.
struction contract. They should be produced in a general
fashion that any construction contractor nationwide can
Design Process Definitions
understand. Designs shall be illustrated to distinguish
between existing construction and new work, and be clear
Program Review. Prior to initiating each phase of design,
enough to result in a single interpretation of a specific set
the design team should meet to review design program
of data or facts. Language used in the specifications
expectations and to exchange ideas, lessons-learned, and
should be consistent and complementary to notes on the
concerns. Such technical "partnering" sessions allow a
drawings. The documents should avoid using terms that
clearer definition of expectations while remaining within
the design specialist may know, but which have nothing to
the project's scope and budget.
do with the purchase and installation of a product.
Concept. A submission that will demonstrate that the
Specifications. Specifications to be organized according
space program has been accomplished, including any
to CSI format, fully edited, typed and bound.
adjacency and functional requirements. This submission
Code Analysis. Code criteria should be reviewed by
will also show that the proposed project is compatible
each discipline to the degree of detail necessary to
with the project authorization and that the aesthetics
assure that tasks accomplished in each phase meet the
support the design philosophy of GSA shown in Chapter
code requirements.
3, Architecture and Interior Design of this document. A
preliminary analysis of proposed building systems should
be accomplished to determine the most cost-effective
Alteration Projects Design Process Definitions
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100