Design Narratives and Calculations
minimum standard should be submission of PDFs,
allows for regional supplementation;
Format. Typed, bound narratives should be produced for
each design discipline.
FPT results to be submitted as electronic data tables
(Excel or Access files are acceptable), including fields
Content. Narratives serve to explain the design intent and
specified in the specifications;
to document decisions made during the design process.
BAS point and device data must be submitted as
Like drawings and specifications, narratives are an
electronic data tables, to include necessary unique
important permanent record of the building design.
identification information such as point numbers,
Drawings and specifications are a record of WHAT
Device ID numbers, network numbers, etc., as well as
systems, materials and components the building contains;
English language descriptions and location information.
narratives should record WHY they were chosen. The
narrative of each submittal may be based on the previous
All Test records
submittal, but it must be revised and expanded at each
Calculations (including energy, structural, lighting, fire, etc)
stage to reflect the current state of the design.
All electronic media shall be in the latest versions and
optimum file sizes of desktop media, such as Acrobat,
Calculations. Manual and/or computer based calculations
Microsoft, CAD ".dwg" format, video media, electronic
should accompany narratives where required to support
photo (e.g. ".jpg"), and Webcam archive data. Electronic
technical analysis. Each set of calculations should start
data should be provided to the Government on CD-Rom
with a summary sheet, which shows all assumptions,
unless otherwise specified.
references applicable codes and standards, and lists the
conclusions. Calculations should include engineering
For all software installed in support of installed equip-
sketches as an aid to understanding by reviewers. The
ment, provide backup CDs with all files necessary to
calculations for each submittal should be cumulative, so
reinstall, all user and programming support manuals,
that the final submittal contains all calculations for the
and all files produced for the specific installation (e.g.,
project. Calculations submitted at early stages of the
graphics files, DDC program files, etc).
project must be revised later to reflect the final design.
Note that specification section 01781, Project Record
Calculations must refer to code, paragraph of code used,
Documents, should be edited to reflect Electronic Final
standards, text books used for specific portion of
Submittals and Data as noted above.
calculation. Refer to drawing number where the results of
the calculations have been used. Example: number and
sizes of re-bars used in reinforced concrete members.
Performance Criteria. As part of the development of
concepts through construction documents there shall be a
check of building performance criteria as noted in A.2.
296 F A C I L I T I E S S T A N D A R D S
A.1 General Requirements Design Narratives and Calculations
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100