9.8 Security Design
and USMS-occupied office and support space. The
Judicial Security Systems Team (JSST) within the CCMG
is responsible for the planning, design, and installation
of security systems in spaces occupied by the judiciary.
Agency Responsibilities
and security construction contractors.
Courthouse security is the joint responsibility of the
judiciary, DHS Federal Protective Service (FPS), and
In addition, the CCMG often acts as security engineer
USMS. (The USMS has the primary role in security
for court buildings, designing and integrating security
decisions.) Decisions regarding security planning and
systems for building perimeters in conjunction with
design are made by individual agencies and the local
the GSA.
Court Security Committee (CSC), or for multi-tenant
Refer to the USCDG for a more detailed explanation of
buildings, the Building Security Committee (BSC).
security design responsibilities.
The CSC is responsible for identifying the court's specific
Once the functional planning criteria including security
security requirements and developing a security plan for
related issues, as outlined in the USCDG and USMS-
judicial facilities and operations throughout the district.
RSSPSSM, is implemented into the conceptual design
All security systems and equipment must be consistent
for the new or renovated courts facility, it is intended to
with requirements in: ISC Security Design Criteria (Class
help in the development of the technical drawings,
Medium level protection buildings); the Department of
specifications, and other information to incorporate the
Justice's (DOJ) Vulnerability Assessment of Federal Facilities
security components into the project.
(Level IV buildings); and the United States Courts Design
Guide (USCDG); and Requirements and Specifications for
Special Purpose and Support Space Manual Volumes 1-3,
USMS publication number 64. The CSC must be
informed about and have the opportunity to review all
security-related design decisions.
The USMS Central Courthouse Management Group's
(CCMG) Facilities Management Team is responsible for
design considerations involving secure prisoner move-
ment, holding cell and interview facility requirements,
290 F A C I L I T I E S S T A N D A R D S
9.8 Security Design
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100