required as well as building operations personnel and
lobby design--because access control must be considered
security professionals experienced in physical security
when design concepts for a building are first conceived.
design, operations, and risk assessment.
projects, some designs can be altered to consider future
Each building system and element should support risk
access control objectives.
mitigation and reduce casualties, property damage, and
the loss of critical functions. Security should be
considered in all decisions, from selecting architectural
Initial Costs. When cost is not considered, one risk can
redundant electrical systems.
consume a disproportionate amount of the budget while
other risks may go unmitigated or not addressed at all.
Site Security Requirements. Site security requirements,
Budgets should match the requirements of the risk
including perimeter buffer zones, should be developed
assessment. It is important that decision-makers know
before a site is acquired and the construction funding
funding needs early so that they can request funding to
request is finalized. This requirement may be used to
fully implement the requirements of the risk assessment.
prevent the purchase of a site that lacks necessary features,
Should projects be over budget, security, along with other
especially sufficient setback, and to help reduce the need
building elements, may be reevaluated. However, if
security is decreased, there should be compensating
Adjacent Sites. When warranted by a risk assessment,
operational procedures and/or periodic reevaluation to
consideration should be given to acquiring adjacent sites
see if technology or procedures can mitigate the risk.
or negotiating for control of rights-of-way. Adjacent sites
The security budget shall be an output of a project-specific
can affect the security of Federal facilities.
risk assessment. After the initial risk assessment has been
conducted, a plan shall outline security requirements for
Access Control and Electronic Security. Electronic
specific building systems. To facilitate funding, cost
security, including surveillance, intrusion detection, and
control, and risk management, agencies shall consider a
screening, is a key element of facility protection; many
work breakdown structure which summarizes security
aspects of electronic security and the posting of security
expenditures in a specific account that can be clearly
personnel are adequately dealt with in other criteria and
identified and monitored throughout design phases. This
guideline documents. These criteria primarily address
can facilitate the allocation of those funds to counter-
access control planning--including aspects of stair and
236 F A C I L I T I E S S T A N D A R D S
8.1 Planning and Cost
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100