Vehicular Control
Offsetting vehicle entrances as necessary from the
direction of a vehicle's approach to force a reduction
Distance. The preferred distance from a building to
in speed.
unscreened vehicles or parking is _____(project-specific
information to be provided). Ways to achieve this distance
Perimeter Vehicle Inspection
include creating a buffer zone using design features such as
Provide space for inspection at a location to be specified.
street furniture and bollards that can function as barriers;
restricting vehicle access (see sections on Perimeter
Provide design features for the vehicular inspection point
Protection Zone and Landscaping below, and Chapter 9).
that stop vehicles, prevent them from leaving the vehicular
See Chapter 2: Site Circulation Design, for fire department/
inspection area, and prevent tailgating.
fire apparatus access requirements for which design must
also be in compliance.
Site Lighting
Perimeter Protection Zone. Site perimeter barriers are
Effective site lighting levels: At vehicular and pedestrian
one element of the perimeter protection zone. Perimeter
entrances, ____ (project-specific information to be
barriers capable of stopping vehicles of _______ lbs., up
provided) horizontal maintained foot candles; and for
to a speed of ______, shall be installed (project-specific
perimeter and vehicular and pedestrian circulation areas,
information to be provided). A vehicle velocity shall be
____ horizontal maintained foot candles. In most circum-
used considering the angle of incidence in conjunction
stances, perimeter lighting should be continuous and on
with the distance between the perimeter and the point at
both sides of the perimeter barriers, with minimal hot
which a vehicle would likely be able to start a run at the
and cold spots and sufficient to support CCTV and other
perimeter. A barrier shall be selected that will stop the
surveillance. However, for safety reasons and/or for issues
threat vehicle. Army TM 5-853-1 and TM 5-853-2/AFMAN
related to camera technology, lower levels may be desir-
32-1071, Volume 2 contain design procedures. See Chapter
able. Other codes or standards may restrict site lighting
2: Site Circulation Design, for fire department/fire apparatus
levels. Designers shall consult IESNA recommended
access requirements for which design must also be in
practices for security lighting.
compliance. In designing the barrier system, consider the
following options:
Site Signage
Using various types and designs of buffers and barriers
Confusion over site circulation, parking, and entrance
such as walls, fences, trenches, ponds and water basins,
locations can contribute to a loss of site security. Signs
plantings, trees, static barriers, sculpture, and street
should be provided off site and at entrances; there should
be on-site directional, parking, and cautionary signs for
Designing site circulation to prevent high speed
visitors, employees, service vehicles, and pedestrians.
approaches by vehicles; and
Unless required by other standards, signs should generally
not be provided that identify sensitive areas.
238 F A C I L I T I E S S T A N D A R D S
8.1 Planning and Cost
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100