Figure 4.8.2 Air Leakage at Roof Overhang (Riedel)
The intersection between flat roofs and setback walls, for example at rooftop penthouses, is another
location requiring careful detailing to maintain continuity. Figure 4.8.3 shows this intersection for a
concrete frame building (Brand). In this detail, the setback wall air barrier is sealed to the roof
membrane. There is no differential movement between the setback wall and the roof deck,
simplifying the attachment of the air barrier and roof membrane. In a heating climate, it is very
important that the air barrier insulation is completely continuous. The wall insulation below the
termination of the brick must be covered to protect it from ultraviolet degradation.
Figure 4.8.3 Masonry Setback Wall/Roof Connection - Concrete Frame (Brand)
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