Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
LEED Credit SS-1:
Practical Applications
Site Selection
Project site selection is outside the scope of this
study; however, it can generally be assumed that
many GSA project sites will comply with the
requirements of this credit, while some will not. As
the majority of GSA's projects are sited in urban
Avoid development of inappropriate sites and
locations, the most likely restriction to obtaining
reduce the environmental impact from the
the credit is the land elevation provision. In some
location of a building on a site.
locations, whole sections of a city may be at or
below the 100-year flood elevation defined by
FEMA. The other credit restrictions may also
Do not develop buildings, roads or parking areas
disqualify a limited number of GSA project sites.
on portions of sites that meet any one of the
following criteria:
Basis for Cost Assumption
Prime farmland as defined by the United
While GSA's site selection guidelines include a
States Department of Agriculture in the
number of goals that are consistent with this credit,
United States Code of Federal Regulations,
the site selection process itself is outside the scope
Title 7, Volume 6, Parts 400 to 699, Section
of this study. It is therefore assumed that no
657.5 (citation 7CFR657.5).
construction cost premium is involved for sites
Land whose elevation is lower than 5 feet
that meet all of the credit requirements.
above the elevation of the 100-year flood as
defined by the Federal Emergency
Because it cannot be assumed that all GSA projects
Management Agency (FEMA).
will meet the credit criteria, this credit is assumed
Land which is specifically identified as habitat
to be earned in only half of the Courthouse and
for any species on Federal or State threatened
Office Building scenarios. In the Courthouse
or endangered lists.
model, the credit is included in the "low cost"
cases, but not in the "high cost" cases. For the
Within 100 feet of any water including
Office Building scenarios, the credit is included in
wetlands as defined by United States Code of
the "minimum faade renovation" cases, but not in
Federal Regulations 40 CFR, Parts 230-233
the "full faade renovation" cases.
and Part 22, and isolated wetlands or areas of
special concern identified by state or local
Summary of First Cost Impacts
rule, OR greater than distances given in state
or local regulations as defined by local or
state rule or law, whichever is more stringent.
Land which prior to acquisition for the
Courthouse (New Construction, 262,000 GSF)
project was public parkland, unless land of
equal or greater value as parkland is accepted
No identified cost premiums.
in trade by the public landowner (Park
Authority projects are exempt).
(1 point)
No identified cost premiums.
Cost Impact = 2
Additional Considerations
None identified.
Synergistic Credits
(no cost)
psble svgs
None identified (with construction cost impacts).