Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
Section 2:
Individual LEED Credit Reviews
In this Section of the GSA LEED Cost Study, all
The individual credit costs defined in this section
are the basis for the overall LEED scenario costs
seven LEED prerequisites and sixty-nine LEED
identified in Section One of the study (with the
credits are individually evaluated. The evaluation
process is used to:
exception of the Synergistic Credit costs, which are
defined in Section Three of the study). The
1) determine the applicability of a prerequisite or
estimates also provide a basis for gauging the
credit to typical GSA project types;
potential cost implications of each prerequisite or
credit on other GSA projects, outside of the study.
2) establish how LEED requirements compare to
existing GSA design standards; and
A standard format has been used for each credit
evaluation, as defined in the following pages.
3) estimate the potential cost impact to achieve a
prerequisite or credit, using the Courthouse
and Office Building models as references.