Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
LEED Credit SS-4.2:
Wall-mounted vertical racks are assumed for space
efficiency. For the Courthouse, the bicycle room is
Alternative Transportation
sized at 300 square feet and includes 48 racks
(based on a full-time occupant assumption of 950
Bicycle Storage and
persons). Because the bicycle storage room is not
Changing Rooms
included in a typical Courthouse program,
additional costs are assumed for both the raw space
and for the room fit-out. For the Office Building,
the bicycle room is sized at 400 square feet and
includes 65 racks (based on a full-time occupant
assumption of 1,300 persons). There is no raw
Reduce pollution and land development impacts
space cost component in the Office Building
from automobile use.
scenarios (it is assumed that the space is taken
from the existing building parking and utility areas).
Shower rooms are also provided in both the
For commercial or institutional buildings,
Courthouse and Office Building scenarios. In the
provide secure bicycle storage with convenient
Courthouse, 2 shower rooms are included
changing/shower facilities (within 200 yards of
(men's/women's) at 350 square feet each. Each
the building) for 5% or more of regular building
room contains 3 shower stalls (1 ADA compliant),
occupants. For residential buildings, provide
1 ADA-compliant toilet room, 2 lavatories, 12
covered storage facilities for securing bicycles for
lockers, and 2 benches. In the Office Building, 2
15% or more of building occupants in lieu of
shower rooms are included at 400 square feet each.
changing/shower facilities.
Each room contains 4 shower stalls (1 ADA
(1 point)
compliant), 1 ADA-compliant toilet room, 2
lavatories, 16 lockers, and 2 benches. Additional
costs for the raw space of the shower rooms are
Cost Impact = 5
included in the Courthouse scenarios, but not in
the Office Building scenarios.
Summary of First Cost Impacts
(no cost)
psble svgs
Courthouse (New Construction, 262,000 GSF)
Practical Applications
Total Credit Cost...................................... 8,743
Cost Impact ($/GSF) ..........................
GSA generally encourages the installation of
Cost Impact (%) ............................................ 0.43%
bicycle racks, as noted in the Site Furniture section
of the P100 standards. However, due to security
concerns in federal facilities, bicycle racks are only
provided for GSA employees, and must be located
Total Credit Cost...................................... 9,637
in restricted access areas. Shower facilities are not
Cost Impact ($/GSF) ..........................
specifically required in most GSA projects (see
Cost Impact (%), Min. Facade .................... 0.60%
Additional Considerations).
Cost Impact (%), Full Facade......................0.59%
Basis for Cost Assumption
Additional Considerations
In both the Courthouse and Office Building
models, bicycle racks are assumed to be housed in
Some GSA projects include a programmatic
key-accessed bicycle storage rooms located at the
requirement for an exercise room with associated
basement level (adjacent to underground parking).