Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
while the turf grass areas are reduced to 3 percent.
The areas of groundcovers and mixed, non-turf
vegetation are increased to 50 percent of the site
area. Since landscape irrigation is assumed in the
Base Case design, the irrigation system in the
credit-compliant design is expanded to cover the
additional landscaped areas.
Additional details of the cost assumptions,
including plant species, are included in the detailed
cost estimates.
Summary of First Cost Impacts
Courthouse (New Construction, 262,000 GSF)
Total Credit Cost ................................... (0,616)
Cost Impact ($/GSF)........................(
Cost Impact (%)..........................................(0.19)%
The credit is not applicable.
Additional Considerations
In some GSA projects (e.g., Courthouses) a
portion of the open site may be reserved for long-
term building expansion. If expansion is known to
be likely at a given site, the area of native
landscaping should be evaluated based on the
expected post-expansion site areas.
Synergistic Credits
Item SN-1 (Courthouse) of Section 3 reviews the
cost implications of earning credit SS-5.1 in
conjunction with credit SS-6.1 (Stormwater
Management: Rate and Quantity) and credit WE-
1.2 (Water-efficient Landscaping: No Potable Use
or No Irrigation).