Section 1: Twelve LEED Rating Scenarios
Section 1:
Twelve LEED Rating Scenarios
This section of the LEED Cost Study consists of
achieved, even in instances where one or two
Table 1-1, which summarizes the twelve LEED
credits may be denied during the LEED
Rating Scenarios developed for the study's
certification process
Courthouse and Office Building models. For each
At the end of the table, the cumulative cost
of the two building types, six LEED rating
impacts are identified for each scenario on both a
scenarios are defined: two Certified rating
dollar per gross square foot basis, and as a
scenarios, two Silver rating scenarios, and two
percentage of the total construction cost.
Gold rating scenarios. The table identifies the
individual LEED credits included in each scenario,
Basis for Credit Selection
and the number of points associated with each
credit. In addition, a color coding system indicates
A consistent approach was used to develop the
the generalized level of cost impact associated with
twelve rating scenarios, based on the following key
each prerequisite and credit, based on the specific
credit evaluations and cost estimates developed for
1) Select the "Low-Hanging Fruit" First
the study (see Section Two). For a select number
of credits, the table also includes "Synergistic
In general, each LEED rating scenario was
Credit Tags." These tags identify pairs or groups of
developed by selecting the applicable no-cost
credits which, when pursued in tandem, have
or low-cost credits first. In particular, a
synergistic cost impacts; i.e., the total cost is either
number of LEED credits were identified that
lower or higher than the sum of the individual
could "automatically" be earned based on
credit costs (see Section Three for synergistic credit
existing GSA design requirements (as
evaluations and cost estimates).
identified through the Facilities Standards for the
Public Buildings Service, P100-2003;, and the U.S.
Point totals are included at the end of each
Courts Design Guide). These credits were
scenario. The totals are purposely two points
included in all applicable situations.
higher than the minimum LEED requirement for
each rating level (e.g., twenty-eight points for a
After including the applicable no and low cost
Certified rating as opposed to twenty-six). This
credits, moderate or high cost items were
reflects the common practice of carrying
added to each scenario, as needed, to achieve
"insurance credits" to assure that a rating is