were defined for any LEED-related tasks
in the cost estimates. The table summarizes the
considered above and beyond standard GSA
total cost impact for each LEED rating scenario.
project requirements. Tasks were defined in two
Section 1 is supported by the following appendices:
Appendix A:
LEED Design Costs: Those tasks that increase
Cost Estimate Summaries Courthouse Scenarios
the design team's scope of work during the
design and construction stages of a project;
These cost estimate tables summarize the
construction cost impacts for each of the six
LEED Documentation Costs: Those tasks
LEED Courthouse scenarios. The tables include all
associated with documenting and submitting a
of the targeted credits that have a cost impact (i.e.,
LEED application to the U.S. Green Building
credits that have no cost impact are not shown),
using a Uniformat Level Two format. Adjustments
are also made in each scenario for applicable
The soft cost impacts were developed using: 1)
synergistic credits. The credit costs in the tables are
hourly estimates of specific LEED-related tasks;
fully burdened, including allowances for design and
and 2) additional design fees derived from the
construction contingencies, general conditions and
LEED construction cost premiums (assuming that
profit, and Art-in-Architecture budgets.
the design team's fee is based on a percentage of
the project construction cost).
Appendix B:
Cost Estimate Summaries Office Building
LEED Applications Guide
A separate "LEED Applications Guide" has also
These cost estimate tables summarize the
been developed for GSA project managers and
construction cost impacts for each of the six
design teams. The Applications Guide documents
insights gained through the cost study, and
scope and level of detail are the same as in
presents a general process to assist design teams in
Appendix A. For the Office Building, the
pursuing LEED in a cost-effective manner.
burdened costs also include a phasing premium,
since the construction is assumed to be
Report Exclusions
implemented in a series of phases while the
building remains partially occupied.
It is important to note that the scope of the study
does not include Cost/Benefit analysis of the
Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
LEED measures. The study is limited to first cost
considerations only.
This section provides a detailed analysis of each
LEED Version 2.1 prerequisite and credit. GSA-
Contents of the Cost Study
appropriate strategies, approaches and technologies
are identified to meet the requirements of each
credit. Resulting construction cost estimates for
The GSA LEED Cost Study is organized into four
measures above and beyond GSA standards are
main sections, each of which is supported by one
summarized. Each credit review also identifies
or more appendices. A general description of each
possible synergies with other credits, which are
section and appendix is provided below.
further discussed in Section 3.
Section 1: Twelve LEED Rating Scenarios
Section 2 is supported by the following appendices:
This section primarily consists of a master
Appendix C:
Summary Table that illustrates the credits included
Individual Credit Cost Estimates Courthouse
in each of the twelve LEED rating scenarios
developed for the study. The table uses a color-
These detailed cost estimates identify the
coded key to categorize the level of cost impact
construction cost impacts for each of the credits
associated with each credit. The table also
included in the six LEED Courthouse scenarios.
identifies credit synergies that were accounted for
The appendix begins with a Summary Table, which