Unlike the earlier cost study, the building models
Reference Cost:
used for the LEED Cost Study are not based on
9.14/GSF (based on a November 2003
actual GSA projects. They are instead based on
start date)
building prototypes that GSA had previously
defined for project budgeting purposes (not
Sample schematic floor plans for the mid-rise
including LEED premiums). The budget models
Courthouse are illustrated in Figures 1 and 2
are defined in sufficient detail to establish a full
range of reference project costs, with estimates
reported in a Uniformat Level Three breakdown.
For the purposes of the study, both buildings are
The mid-rise Office Building reference model
assumed to be located in Washington DC.
includes two variants a "minimal faade
renovation" and a "full faade renovation", as
Some of the key features of the building models
noted under the Cladding/Fenestration System
are defined as follows.
Retrofit heading below.
New Mid-Rise Courthouse
Building Area:
Building Area:
306,600 GSF, including 40,700 GSF of
262,000 GSF, including 15,000 GSF of
underground parking
underground parking
Number of Stories: Nine
Number of Stories: Five
Structural System retrofit:
Structural System:
Pile foundations/grade beams/cast-in place
progressive collapse
basement walls
Cladding/Fenestration System retrofit:
Cast-in-place structural slab system for
Option A (minimal faade renovation):
basement level
Clean and caulk existing stone cladding.
Structural steel floor framing for upper floors
Replace existing windows and curtainwall
and roof. Steel deck w/concrete fill for floors.
with new aluminum framed systems
Cladding System:
(fenestration is assumed to comprise 60% of
the wall area). Provide new insulated, tinted
floors. Precast concrete panel system for
low-e glazings.
upper floors.
Option B (full faade renovation):
Clean and caulk existing stone cladding on
Combination of aluminum curtainwall system
floors 1 and 2. Strip existing cladding and
and aluminum punched window system.
replace with new precast concrete panel
Insulated, tinted low-e glazings.
system for floors 3-9. Replace existing
windows and curtainwall with new aluminum
framed systems. Provide new insulated, tinted
Three water-cooled chillers sized for 50%,
low-e glazings. Reduce area of fenestration on
50%, and 20% of the cooling load
upper floors to 40% of wall area.
Roof retrofit: None assumed
Underfloor air distribution system with ceiling
Interior retrofit: Patching and repairing of
plenum return
partitions at core spaces. New interior
Humidification system
partitions and finishes for all other spaces.
Total Site Area: Approximately 3.1 acres
MEP retrofit:
New HVAC, electrical service/distribution,
lighting, plumbing, and fire protection