Executive Summary
Additional design criteria issues are reviewed in the
control of outside air and to maintain positive
"Individual Credit Reviews" section of the study.
pressure in perimeter spaces to reduce the
3. No Programmatic Trade-offs
exterior wall assemblies. For the purposes of
this study, the dedicated ventilation system was
For the purposes of the study, no programmatic
assumed to be eligible for a LEED Innovation
adjustments were made between the LEED and
non-LEED buildings; i.e., space allocations were
Recycled-content materials. GSA projects are
not adjusted, material finishes were kept consistent,
required to incorporate recycled content
glazing areas remained the same, etc. In some
materials, to the maximum extent feasible, as
LEED projects, these types of programmatic trade-
identified in the U.S. Environmental Protection
offs can be used to offset increases in first cost
Agency's (EPA) Comprehensive Procurement
derived from high-performance building
Guidelines (CPG). Recycled-content products
components (e.g., better quality glazings, more
listed in the CPG include concrete (with flyash
efficient HVAC equipment, and formaldehyde-free
or blast furnace slag), building insulations,
casework). Although this approach can be an
carpets and carpet cushions, and shower or
effective means of cost control, it was purposely
toilet partitions. The study assumes that all of
not pursued in the study. The intent of the study
the applicable CPG product types are used in
was to identify potential LEED cost impacts based
the Courthouse and Office Building models,
on identical programmatic requirements.
assisting the scenarios to achieve credits MR-
The one exception to this rule that occurs in the
4.1 and 4.2 (Recycled Content). It should be
study is in site development. As there is often a
noted that many of the CPG products could be
degree of flexibility to the site and landscaping
incorporated into non-GSA projects at no cost
programs in GSA projects, adjustments have been
allowed in site paving areas, planting areas, and
HCFC refrigerants. LEED credit EA-4 prohibits
irrigation systems in order to achieve various
the use of HCFCs or Halons in building-level
LEED credits in the Sustainable Sites and Water
HVAC, refrigeration, or fire-suppression
Efficiency categories.
systems. GSA's P100 defines acceptable HVAC
refrigerants through the EPA's Significant New
4. Building Size
Alternatives Policy (SNAP). The SNAP
The study has identified cost impacts for two mid-
alternatives currently include HCFC-22;
rise buildings of approximately 260,000 to 300,000
therefore, GSA does not rule out the use of this
gross square feet. The scope of the study did not
refrigerant on any project. Because of this
include an evaluation of how the costs may vary for
policy, credit EA-4 has not been included in
buildings that are significantly smaller or larger than
any of the Courthouse or Office Building
these mid-rise models. It is generally assumed that
some adjustments would be required. The soft cost
Green power. LEED credit EA-6 can be earned
estimates in particular are assumed to be very
sensitive to the project scale, with the $/gross
renewable resources such as wind, solar, or
square foot (GSF) fees becoming significantly
biomass (the credit defines the amount of
higher in smaller buildings and correspondingly
lower in larger projects. The total dollar costs for
certification). Although GSA does purchase
LEED-related services are expected to level out
green power for some of its facilities, the
after they cross certain "low end" and "high end"
determination is made by regional managers on
a case-by-case basis. Overall, the credit was
considered an operational issue outside of the
5. Variations in Baseline Project Costs
scope of this study. Credit EA-6 has not been
The building program, site assumptions, and design
included in any of the Courthouse or Office
criteria determine the baseline project costs for the
Building scenarios.
two models. The differences in the baseline costs
(0/GSF for the Courthouse versus 0/GSF