The authors of this report would like to thank
Cost estimating for the LEED Cost Study was
Mr. David B. Eakin, Chief Engineer in the Office
provided by Skanska USA Building, Inc. (Atlanta,
of the Chief Architect of the U.S. General Services
GA and Alexandria, VA offices). Elizabeth Heider,
Administration, Public Buildings Service, for his
AIA, Vice President, was Project Manager for this
guidance, oversight, and support in conceptualizing
portion of the study. The Skanska project team
and developing this study. Additional thanks are
included Richard Leftwich, Susie Spivey, Anderson
extended to the following individuals from the U.S.
Welch, Darryl Wood, and Ray Fine.
GSA Public Buildings Service for their support and
In addition, the authors would like to thank the
contributions: Donald Horn, Environmental
following individuals and organizations for their
Strategies & Safety; Curt Smith, Office of the Chief
insights and contributions to the Soft Costs section
Architect; Eric Cook, Office of the Chief
of the study: Gina Baker and Scott Jones of Burt
Architect; Doug Pulak, Office of the Chief
Hill Kosar Rittelman Associates Architects,
Architect; Robert Hixon, Office of the Chief
Washington, DC; Ron Cortes of the Dick
Architect; Gianne Conard, Office of the Chief
Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio; Monica Green of
Architect; Bill Hunt, Office of the Chief Architect;
van Dijk Westlake Reed Leskosky, Cleveland,
Pam Wilczynski, Region 5; John Buckley, Region 1;
Ohio; and Ken Terzian of OPX
John Morrell, Region 3; and Frank Saviano,
Architecture/Interiors, Washington, DC.
Region 1.
The authors are grateful to the following
The GSA LEED Cost Study was prepared by
individuals and organizations for their
Steven Winter Associates, Inc. (SWA) of Norwalk,
contributions to the landscape issues addressed in
Connecticut and Washington, DC. Helen English
the study: Brian Carlic of Payette Associates Inc.,
was Principal-in-Charge of the study; John
Boston, Massachusetts; and Anne Guillette of the
Amatruda was Project Manager and Principal
Low Impact Development Center, Inc., Beltsville,
Author. The SWA project team included Bambi
Tran, Ian Graham, Charlotte Matthews, Russell
Taylor, Jeff Rios, Doug Schlaefer, and Ben Dyson.
The authors also extend thanks to Adrian Tuluca,
SWA Principal, for his key insights and critical