Section 4: LEED-Related Soft Costs
lists all of the credit costs in a Uniformat Level
Two format. The costs in the Summary table are
This section provides a detailed analysis of LEED-
fully burdened; i.e., they include various
related soft costs for the Courthouse and Office
contingencies, allowances, overhead and profit.
Building models. The section includes a
Following the Summary Table, the Appendix
description of the methodology used, and a
includes individual credit cost breakdowns, defined
summary of the estimated soft cost premiums for
in a Uniformat Level Three format. These
each of the six Courthouse and six Office Building
estimates identify the direct construction costs
scenarios. Qualifications to the findings are
only, without the contingencies and other
discussed in detail, including the structure of the
allowances added in the Summary Table.
design team ("expert consultant" vs. "experienced
Appendix D:
design team"), the types of tasks being performed,
Individual Credit Cost Estimates Office Building
and project variables that can influence soft costs.
These detailed cost estimates identify the
Section 4 is supported by the following appendices:
construction cost impacts for each of the credits
Appendix G:
included in the six LEED Office Building
Soft Cost Estimate Summaries
detail are the same as in Appendix C.
These tables itemize the soft cost impacts for each
of the six Courthouse and six Office Building
Section 3: Synergistic Credit Reviews
scenarios. The tables identify the total calculated
costs for: 1) individual credit-specific tasks; 2)
This section provides a detailed analysis of each
"LEED process" tasks (such as initial LEED
synergistic credit combination identified in the
charrettes or LEED-related specifications which
study--nine altogether. Descriptions of synergistic
apply to multiple credits); and 3) LEED
issues are included, followed by their associated
documentation tasks. Separate estimates are
first cost impacts and the applicable LEED
defined for "expert consultant" and "experienced
scenarios (Courthouse or Office Building) in which
design team" approaches.
they are used.
Appendix H:
Section 3 is supported by the following appendices:
Detailed Soft Cost Estimates
Appendix E:
These tables provide detailed breakdowns of the
Synergistic Credit Cost Estimates Courthouse
identified soft cost premiums of Appendix G. The
These detailed cost estimates identify the
estimates define the professional disciplines, hourly
construction cost impacts for each of the
rates and attended time commitments for each
identified task. Similar to Appendix G, the cost
LEED Courthouse scenarios. The estimates are
premiums are calculated separately for "expert
defined in a Uniformat Level Three format, and
consultant" and "experienced design team"
identify the direct construction costs only (i.e.,
without contingencies and other allowances). The
Additional Appendices
fully burdened costs for the synergistic credit
Appendix I:
Appendix A.
DOE-2 Energy Modeling Summary Courthouse
Appendix F:
This appendix describes the input and results of
Synergistic Credit Cost Estimates Office Building
the computer energy model developed for the
These detailed cost estimates identify the
Courthouse. The energy model was used for the
construction cost impacts for each of the
following purposes: 1) to define the level of energy
efficiency of the reference model compared to the
LEED Office Building scenarios. The scope and
ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1999; and 2) to
level of detail are the same as in Appendix E.
define additional energy-efficiency measures that
could be implemented to achieve additional LEED