Step 4: Prepare and Submit
the Capital Program Package
The PDS team must stay engaged with the project as it is developed into a
Step 4
Prospectus funding proposal. Although the regional Office of Real Property Asset
Prepare and Submit the
Management generally puts the package together, other team members prepare specific
Capital Program Package
parts of the funding package, based on the requirements of the Planning Call.
The preparation of the Capital Program package will fill all available time (and that
Prepare submission
time will seem far too short). Work out reasonable delivery time frames with the
per Planning Call
regional Office of Real Property Asset Management. The complexity of the submission
requirements seems to grow every year, so allow plenty of time to do it right.
Recommended Activities
4.1 Prepare submission per Planning Call
Submit project
4.2 Submit project for funding
for funding
Capital Program submission that accurately and effectively represents the project
This task typically takes three (3) weeks.
4.1 Prepare Submission per Planning Call
Consider Planning Call requirements and incorporate them into the development
of the PDS.
Recommended Activities
Keep the PDS team involved.
The team may be needed throughout the development of the Capital Investment
and Leasing Program (CILP) submission.
Conduct a Project Development Rating Index (PDRI).
The PDRI assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the application.
Ensure that the PDS and supporting documents meet Planning Call requirements.
A logical, well-defined proposal for construction funding
Project submitted
to Capital Program
This task typically takes three (3) weeks.