Appendix A: Glossary
11-(b): An 11-(b) is a congressionally requested study in which GSA reports to Congress regarding the housing needs of a specific
locality. This study may or may not recommend a new project. If it does, then the need for the project must be justified through a study
such as a Local Portfolio Plan or a Program Development Study.
Allowance Document: The Allowance Document transfers the appropriated funds to the Region.
Architect/Engineer (A/E): The A/E is the architecture/engineering firm selected to perform the design of a project.
Asset Business Plan (ABP): The GSA Asset Business Plan is a Web-based asset management tool that provides building history and
projections for many areas, including space and income, that are used to develop long-range strategies for the asset, reinvestment
plans, and capital investment priorities. The ABP is a document that provides all information, strategy, and long-term plans necessary to
manage the business of operating and optimizing an asset.
Building Evaluation Report (BER): The Building Condition Assessment is done through a BER that documents the condition and
deficiencies of a building. GSA will identify the BER work (called work items) that is to be addressed by the Program Development
Study (PDS). However, a PDS also must recognize other impacted work that may not be fully described in the BER work items or
the Feasibility Study.
Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA): BOMA provides information to and a network forum for industry professionals.
Capital Investment and Leasing Program (CILP): The CILP is
GSA`s prescribed method for
evaluating, proposing, and securing
funding for capital projects. Feasibility Studies and Program Development Studies form the foundation of the Capital Program.
Categorical Exclusion (CATEX): Under the National Environmental Policy Act, a CATEX is an action that normally does not require the
preparation of an Environmental Assessment or an Environmental Impact Statement.
Communications Plan: A
Communications Plan identifies spokespersons for
GSA, the customer agency, and stakeholders; schedules
key communications to be disseminated in conjunction with project milestones; identifies potential issues; and includes strategies
for responding to those issues.
Computer-Aided Design (CAD): All new construction and major renovations entail drawings created in a standard GSA format, with
the help of computer-based programs such as CAD.
Cost Benchmark: A Cost Benchmark is the cost model, based on real, similar facilities, used to evaluate project costs for a similar
type of building.
Customer Billing Record (CBR): The CBR is the mechanism that GSA uses to establish rent billing and is based on the business
terms contained in the Occupancy Agreement.