Program Development Study Phase
PMP's Role
Provide a clear understanding of who does what, when, and why. Use this
information to gain understanding, develop support, or announce progress,
The Project Management
Plan (PMP) is a tool that
as appropriate.
supports effective project
Identify project milestones.
development. The Project
Develop a schedule of planned communications around project milestones, such
Management Plan is
as activity commencement and completion dates. Develop a protocol for tracking
separate from the PDS,
and responding to potential problems.
but the two should be
developed in tandem. The
Identify communications venues that may be used to distribute information
PMP saves far more effort
about the project, such as the following:
over the life of the project
GSA Web site and/or customer agency Web site or newsletter.
than it takes to prepare.
City or local agency Web site and local interest newsletters and Web sites.
Consequently, it pays to
Local newspapers, TV, and radio.
prepare the PMP correctly.
Summarize this information and prepare the Communications Plan. Review the
Communications Plan with the Site Investigation Team and the communications
staff for the Region, GSA Central Office, and customer agency.
Contact the OCA's
Revise the current PMP during the PDS process.
Construction Excellence
and Project Management
Don't wait until the Capital Program to dust off the PMP. It should be updated
Division for resources
continually throughout the process. The PDS scope of work can be tailored to
to help develop PMPs that
address issues to support the project strategy.
will make each project
An effective strategy for conducting the PDS
Development of the PMP in concert with the PDS
Development of the Communications Plan with analysis of stakeholders, potential
issues, and media venues
This task typically takes two (2) weeks.