Program Development Study Phase
1.2 Assess Supporting Documents
Document Review Precedes
PDS Commencement
This task focuses on understanding the project's history and background in depth,
Ideally, each member of
rather than simply reviewing a host of documents. Conversations with those who are
the project team assesses
familiar with the project and its development can enhance the review. In order to
the available documents
build an effective team and create the scope of work for the PDS, the Project Manager
and their validity in light of
and the team must begin with a thorough analysis of the Feasibility Study and the
current conditions and
project's history.
recommends any new data
or studies that are needed.
Recommended Activities
Start with the Feasibility Study.
Identify issues or uncertainties that need to be developed more fully since
the Feasibility Study was completed.
Look for Feasibility Study assumptions that may have changed.
Identify the key risks and opportunities.
Determine whether technical issues have been sufficiently analyzed and resolved
in the Feasibility Study.
Review the Project Management Plan (PMP). The PDS scope of work should
respond to any outstanding risks.
Review other studies and background information.
Check for and review any substudies referenced in the Feasibility Study.
(See "Appendix B" for a list of typical Feasibility Study Input Documents.)
Identify any special studies (e.g., seismic, blast, historic preservation, fire
protection) that need to be completed or included in the PDS.
Re-engage the project contacts from the Feasibility Study or its supporting studies.
Concentrate on key issues, uncertainties, and expectations.
Contact others (GSA, the customer, and stakeholders) who can explain the
background of the project's requirements. Some of these persons may join the
PDS project team later; tap their knowledge now to help shape the approach
and scope of work.
Review site selection efforts and the Site Investigation Report.
Talk to the Site Investigation Team to learn more about conditions that may
impact construction costs or about commitments for special studies or actions
during construction.