Program Development Study Phase
1.1 Affirm Project Status and PDS Resources
Who Leads the Team?
The Project Manager or team leader for the PDS reviews all project developments
Although an Asset Manager
generally leads the
and determines whether it is the right time to begin a PDS. The availability of adequate
Feasibility Study, a Project
resources to prepare the PDS also should be confirmed. This task is essentially the
Manager usually leads the
continuation of good project communications between the Regional Office and its
PDS. This can vary from
customer agency in the period after submittal of the Site/Design Prospectus and joint
region to region.
planning for the PDS preparation.
Recommended Activities
Check progress status of the Site/Design Prospectus.
Determine whether the project is still on track for submittal of the construction
request in the planned fiscal year.
Affirm that the customer agency supports the project.
Make certain that the customer agency is ready to support the construction
request for the proposed year.
Review the status and disposition of site selection and other project developments
and confirm that the customer still supports the project and schedule proposed
in the Feasibility Study.
Assess changes to the project's fundamental requirements.
Determine whether the project's requirements have changed so significantly that
the project needs to be reconceptualized.
Confirm the timetable.
Confirm that the PDS can be funded and finished in time to support an effective
Capital Program submittal.
Check that sufficient BA61 (e.g., Regional Operating) funds are set aside to
support preparation of the PDS.
Customer and regional management support for preparation of a successful PDS
This task typically takes one (1) week.