Program Development Study Phase
Key Advantages to Updating
Review project background.
the PMP During the PDS
Review the project's characteristics. Identify unique factors about the project or
The team is more
the location that may impact the Work Plan and plan for their resolution in the
engaged and contributes
scope, schedule, and budget.
more effectively.
Review the project's history and local context.
Early focus is on the final
Verify coordination with other studies (either completed or ongoing).
Create a Work Plan for conducting the PDS.
The PDS refines the PMP
Work with the PDS team to develop a Work Plan and schedule that includes
these tasks: write the scope of work, begin the PDS, review progress, revise and
finalize the PDS, and submit the project to the Regional Office's Capital
Program. The schedule should conclude with the completion of the Regional
Office's Capital Program submission of the project.
Identify project decision-making processes and coordination requirements.
Review the approval processes for GSA, the customer agency, local government,
and others. Determine typical time frames and milestones and add this
information to the project schedule.
Understand the context of the project and the community by reviewing previous
communications approaches and strategies. Review contacts made with federal,
state, and local agencies during the Feasibility Study.
Reviewing project and local history, local issues, and activities that may create
interest or controversy, such as local elections and other development activities.
Identify key stakeholders in terms of the following:
Organization (size and structure);
Project stake;
Level of influence and issues of interest; and
Leaders and spokespersons, for contact information.
Include the Communications Plan in the PMP to cover the project duration.
Include plans for involving various stakeholders (e.g., the customer agency,
the community, local officials) in the PDS preparation.
Plan to review the draft Work Plan with key stakeholders, including the customer
agency, GSA Regional Office, and GSA Central Office. Confirm coordination
requirements within GSA and among GSA, tenant agencies, and other outside
organizations, such as local government and community organizations.