Step 4: Prepare and Submit the
Site/Design Prospectus Package
While the Feasibility Study is the key source of information for finalizing the Capital
Step 4
Program submission, the final product is a Prospectus funding proposal. Therefore,
Prepare and Submit the Site /
the Feasibility Study team must stay engaged until the Prospectus is completed. The
Design Prospectus Package
package is generally prepared and assembled by the regional Office of Real Property
Asset Management. It includes the Prospectus, the economic analyses, and final
Prepare Capital Program
housing plans.
submission (including PDRI)
The Planning Call directs the requirements of the submission. As discussed earlier,
it is important to anticipate and incorporate these requirements into the scope of work
and throughout the process. They cannot be "tacked on" at the end of the process.
Submit project
for funding
Feasibility Study team members may share the effort and prepare specific parts of the
funding package, based on the requirements of the Planning Call. These often include
an Environmental Checklist, the Project Management Plan, and Occupancy
Agreements, among other items.
The time to prepare the Capital Program submission always seems far too short.
Plan a reasonable time frame with the staff in the Office of Real Property Asset
Management who coordinate the development of the submission package, to ensure
that there is adequate time to prepare an effective submission.
Recommended Activities
4.1 Prepare Capital Program submission (including PDRI)
Meet the specific requirements of the current Planning Call.
4.2 Submit project for funding
Complete the submission and deliver the Prospectus package to the regional Office
of Real Property Asset Management.
Completed and submitted Prospectus (with sound project strategy
and cost estimates)
This task typically takes three (3) weeks.
Project submitted to
Capital Program