Feasibility Study Phase
Is Everybody On Board?
Identify Decision Criteria and Documentation:
Establish capital cost, financial cost, advantages and disadvantages, and other
Be sure to allow adequate
time to meet with the
decision criteria used for comparison. Compare each alternative to illustrate how
customer agency to review
the best alternative was identified. Provide a short narrative discussion on the
the preferred alternative,
deciding factors.
collect comments, and
Develop Procurement Method:
receive confirmation that
Identify the procurement method that can successfully deliver the proposed project.
the Feasibility Study recom-
mendation is correct from
Determine Performance Measurement:
the customer's point of view.
Identify how the proposed project impacts the performance measurements.
Anticipate how much time it
Provide Customer Assignment Drawings:
will take the customer to
Recommend production of relevant blocking and stacking diagrams.
schedule meetings and
complete reviews. Some
agencies need more lead
Written analysis of the preferred alternative
time than others to finish
this task.
This task typically takes four (4) weeks.
Funding Cycles
When developing the
3.6 Prepare the Implementation Plan
project schedule, recognize
The Implementation Plan outlines how the project can best be procured (e.g., design-
both the limitations of
bid-build, design/build) and, for new construction alternatives, the area in which it
the funding cycle and when
will be located and how the site will be acquired. The Feasibility Study recommends a
funds become available.
For example, schedules with
procurement method based on the complexity, risks, and potential cost savings
fourth quarter (4Q) awards
presented by the preferred alternative. The procurement method has a significant
or first quarter (1Q) funding
impact on the schedule and location proposed in the Prospectus.
may be problematic.
Recommended Activities
Help With Site Selection
Delineate areas for site selection (for new construction) and lease acquisitions.
Realize that the eventual site selection must conform to the location cited in
GSA's Site Selection Guide
(2003) offers detailed
the Prospectus.
assistance with site selection.
See The Site Selection Guide for detailed information about establishing
Although it concentrates
delineated areas. The Planning Call and the Office of Real Property Asset
on the later stages of site
Management can also provide assistance.
investigation, evaluation,
and selection, it is an
excellent resource to shape
site consideration during the
Feasibility Study. It is
available from the OCA.