Feasibility Study Phase
Financial and technical analyses of each viable alternative under evaluation
Each alternative should be
evaluated on its ability to
meet the following:
This task typically takes four (4) weeks.
The project require-
ments in terms of the
customer's needs,
3.5 Identify and Develop the Preferred Alternative
and the facility's and
The preferred alternative is the best alternative to meet the objectives of the customer
portfolio's requirements.
agency, asset, and portfolio. Based on the evaluation of the alternatives, the Feasibility
The technical require-
Study should include a written summary that concisely documents the decisions,
ments, including key
GSA program goals (e.g.,
alternative as part of GSA's Capital Program.
sustainability, historic
preservation, urban design).
The description of the analysis should address the following issues and describe its
Financial performance.
advantages, compared to competing alternatives.
Recommended Activities
Discuss the preferred alternative.
Describe Customer Need:
Identify the customer's business goals and real estate impact, demand/customer
plan, LPP, and physical asset requirements.
List Project Objectives, Portfolio Goals, and GSA Program Goals:
Identify those project objectives that relate to the overall portfolio and
project goals, as well as to GSA's broad mission program goals. Include project
requirements developed in response to federal law (e.g., NEPA, NHPA
Section 106), GSA legacy programs (e.g., Design Excellence, Green Buildings),
and other technical requirements.
Define Design Issues:
Identify design constraints and unique requirements, including site issues.
Determine Schedule:
Identify schedule constraints and risk assessment for project delivery.
Resolve Funding Sources and Budget Schedule:
Identify funding sources (e.g., Budget Activity; TI costs, Reimbursable Work
Authorization, donations, other sources) and budget schedule for project delivery.